Town of Estes Park Updates
Town of Estes Park Announces Event Postponements
Due to the uncertainties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town of Estes Park's Events Division announced the postponement of several annual signature 2020 events.
Bigfoot Days Postponed to April 2021
Safety Fair Postponed to Summer of 2020 (tentative)
Sidewalk Sale Postponed to Summer or Fall of 2020 (tentative)
Jazz Fest Postponed to June 5-6, 2021
Wool Market Postponed to June 10-13, 2021
Rooftop Rodeo Postponed to July 5-10, 2021
Rooftop Rodeo ParadePostponed to July of 2021
Events and Visitor Services Director Rob Hinkle commented, "This was a difficult decision as we know many people look forward to these events each year, but it was in the best interest of our community at this time."
Vendors and sponsors with questions about these cancellations may contact the Events Division at events@estes.org.
Outside events held at Town venues are cancelled through at least May 21. If circumstances require, that date may be extended.
For information on the status of other upcoming events, stay tuned to the Events Complex website: www.estesparkeventscomplex.com. For additional information on the Town of Estes Park's adaptations to the public health recommendations on COVID-19, please visit www.estes.org/covid-19.