Trusted Traditions in a World Turned Upside Down
Recently, we were having dinner with friends and discussing the seasonal nature of Brownfield’s. As the Estes Park wind blew, the fire crackled, and the pumpkin roll let off the sweet scents of autumn, a quote was shared that captured us. The husband of the host family said, “It is the space between the notes that makes the music. Without that emptiness, that silence in between, there is no music, only noise,” quoting Wayne Dyer.
Yesterday, we closed our doors on our 68th season of business in Estes Park. The Rummage Sale has become quite a tradition for the loyal customers of Brownfield’s who line the side of the building in anticipation of uncanny deals. Our special way of opening and closing each year allows to recognize and honor the wonderful locals who have supported our business for decades. Throughout the course of the renovation, we were asked countless times if we were now going to cease being a seasonal business in light of our upgraded facilities. Our standard answer was “Brownfield’s wouldn’t be Brownfield’s” if we changed our business model. It’s part of our DNA and has created a distinctly unique culture that allows us to offer all new merchandise each year, sell in volume and pass on the savings to the customer, and have a substantial staff each season. It is the driving distinction behind our business.
Our pattern is much like farming, and though it seems like the store sits dormant those winter months, it’s actually a time when our passion and planning collide. According to one farmer recently interviewed in The Modern Farmer, “Most farms across the country reserve the coldest months of the year to get on track for the next season…We go behind the scenes, to do the real work and shape what the future looks like during the winter time.” In fact, for Brownfield’s, our first apparel sales meetings for 2024 commences tomorrow.
As we look back on the harvest of 2023, we would be remiss if we didn’t thank all of the construction workers who gave us a beautiful, up-to-date building. We are full of gratitude for the thousands of customers who, year after year, choose to spend their hard-earned money in our establishment. We thank our terrific team who have an endearing bond of love for one another and a heart of service to our customers. And, most importantly, we thank the ‘Giver of every good and perfect gift from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.’
It is a joy to make music in this beloved town!