Three Floods Later and Brownfield's is still here. We have survived the floods of 1976, 1982, and now 2013. The store re-opened on Friday, September 20, 2013. We were able to open because of the tireless efforts of many friends. A special thanks to Kenny, Scott, Dragan, Marina, Susie, Annette, Pam, Don, Karl, Raven, Gary, Tim, Gayle, Richard, Nick, Ray, Dan, Teri, and Rich. Thank you!
We were able to get a great deal accomplished in a week. We removed all of the mud and water from the lower level of the store. The crawl space was emptied of nearly three feet of water. All of the carpet was torn out. The baseboards in the store were removed. A Clorox treatment was used on all of the walls. The front hardwood floor was dried out and sanded down. The carpet glue was scraped off of all the floors. The lower level was painted floors and walls were painted. New baseboards were installed. The floors were cleaned in the backroom. The carpet on the stairs was cleaned. The driveway and side of the building was shoveled and hosed down multiple times. The outside of the building was washed down. All the products were re-merchandised and the store set up again. A new online website was designed and launched.
Thank you all for your amazing help!